Sunday, December 26, 2010

Joyeux Noel !!!

That's Merry Christmas in Creole. This Christmas was AMAZING! On Thursday we were able to give all the Haitian guys who work on the property shoes and a hygiene pack for them and their families. On Christmas Eve we went to two of the orphanages we work with and brought presents for each individual child... Kori and I spent days putting bags together to give them each two or more outfits and a pair of shoes and a toy. The joy and excitement on those kids faces is something I will always remember! On Christmas Day we had all the Haitian staff over for lunch and were able to give them all presents too. What a joy it is to be able to be used by God in such an awesome way. More cool news is that my Dad is coming back!!! He will be here from January 4th till the 14th! Yippee!!! I'm soooo excited!!!!

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