Saturday, December 4, 2010

Haitian Sensation

I love this place! I love that I have an amazing God! I love that He blessed me with this opportunity to go on an adventure of a life time while serving Him. My parents were able to be here with me this week which was a total blessing, it kinda felt like they were dropping me off at summer camp. What an amazing experience it was to be able to serve alongside them. On a sad note they left yesterday and it was just as hard as I thought it would be to say good buy to them. My mom, dad, and I all got a little misty :'( I know this is going to be an amazing experience so please pray that they will have a peace of mind while I'm here.

Okay so now a little bit about what I'v been up to...  My first time in Haiti I had the opportunity to go to a orphanage twice it's all girls and I was (like always) blessed beyond belief. I have a picture of a specific girl who from there on my computer desktop. I pray for her everyday. I was so excited to go back and as I walked into the orphanage she ran up to me and gave me the biggest bear hug! It was sooo precious! My God is such an AMAZING God!!!! Things like this that bless me unbelievably happen daily!

I have to get off but I will update ya'll tomorrow !!!!


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