Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A Day Of Remeberance

One year ago the people of Haiti got their world rocked.. literally! The devastation was and is absolutely heartbreaking! Today marked the one year anniversary of that dreadful day. As the clock struck four a marched started through town, we released balloons and had a moment of silence in remembrance of the lives lost that day, we began walking along the main roads right through downtown, we estimated 5000 people! A big truck with a stage built onto it drove through town with a band. The worship was unlike anything I have ever experienced and I'm beyond amazed and blessed to have been able to be there. These people dance and sing and worship with their entire bodies, with a passion that is indescribable! This small town of Jacmel is on such a high from what God is doing in this place. There is a great joy in the people even though they've been through the worst, they still give all the glory to God. How I love my God for the radical things He is doing in this place! Hallelujah!!!!!

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