Wednesday, December 8, 2010

God Is Good All The Time

Today has been a bit crazy. The barge that was supposed to be here months ago is finally here! However we can't leave the house because the first round election results have been announced and there are riots everywhere!

Yesterday was amazing!!! We went to my three favorite places all in one day!!! The first place is called Mother Theresa's Sisters of Charity Orphanage, there are about 60-70 kids there and about 7 ladies that take care of them. It's absolutely heart breaking that parents will abandon their kids but what a blessing it is to be able to simply hold them and make their day. There is a little boy there named Moses that is a month old premature baby boy he is the most precious thing I have ever seen! Normally he is in a crib all day long except the days we go there... it brings me to tears, no child deserves that. The second place we went is Pastor Josheph's orphanage the kids there are always filled with so much joy yet they have so little. The last place we went was Pastor Abraham's all girl orphanage I snuggled and colored with my little girl the whole time. Gosh I love this place!!!

                                         This is the little girl I pray for everyday that remembered me :)

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