Sunday, December 26, 2010

Joyeux Noel !!!

That's Merry Christmas in Creole. This Christmas was AMAZING! On Thursday we were able to give all the Haitian guys who work on the property shoes and a hygiene pack for them and their families. On Christmas Eve we went to two of the orphanages we work with and brought presents for each individual child... Kori and I spent days putting bags together to give them each two or more outfits and a pair of shoes and a toy. The joy and excitement on those kids faces is something I will always remember! On Christmas Day we had all the Haitian staff over for lunch and were able to give them all presents too. What a joy it is to be able to be used by God in such an awesome way. More cool news is that my Dad is coming back!!! He will be here from January 4th till the 14th! Yippee!!! I'm soooo excited!!!!

Monday, December 20, 2010

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas

Actually it's really not looking like Christmas at all. I'm not going to lie I miss the hubub of the Christmas season however, the fact that I'm in a foreign country without any family, is so cool because I'm in a foreign country with my really awesome haitian fambam. There's Dave and Darlys... They're the directors of CCHI, my temporary parents. Adam and Kara Cole left a week ago :( but they are the coolest people ever! They're from Arknasaw and they have an amazing story and I'm a better person because I know them :) There's Eric but he's home in Cali for the holidays. Chris he's Dave's nephew and one of the most interesting people I've met. Sammy! He's Haitian he lived here till he was 13 moved to Florida and now is back serving, Sammy has the best laugh ever! Then there's Kori I swear we were separated at birth! She likes all the cool stuff I do like T-Swift, Chris Brown, the Lakers, and Twilight! (to name a few) God had really bless me with this awesome family! and that's just the people I live with.. well Dave and Darlys have their own house. The rest of my family includes Marie-Carmel she cooks for us.. she's amazing!! Nerlande she's a translator/sister I am 3 days older then her :P Rose-Laure she helps with household chores she is soooo sweet. Brisso is also a translator and an amazing guy. Delpha just helps with everything he's also like a second dad.. always looking out for me. Marcel is our grounds keeper he is super quiet but when he's around you automatically feel safe, him and his daughter Lynda (she's 11) live in the back house. Lynda is something else I don't even know how to explain her but I love her to death. Then there's the mosquitoes that is a love hate relationship... they love me but I HATE them! Well that's a little bit about my new fam.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

God Is Good All The Time

Today has been a bit crazy. The barge that was supposed to be here months ago is finally here! However we can't leave the house because the first round election results have been announced and there are riots everywhere!

Yesterday was amazing!!! We went to my three favorite places all in one day!!! The first place is called Mother Theresa's Sisters of Charity Orphanage, there are about 60-70 kids there and about 7 ladies that take care of them. It's absolutely heart breaking that parents will abandon their kids but what a blessing it is to be able to simply hold them and make their day. There is a little boy there named Moses that is a month old premature baby boy he is the most precious thing I have ever seen! Normally he is in a crib all day long except the days we go there... it brings me to tears, no child deserves that. The second place we went is Pastor Josheph's orphanage the kids there are always filled with so much joy yet they have so little. The last place we went was Pastor Abraham's all girl orphanage I snuggled and colored with my little girl the whole time. Gosh I love this place!!!

                                         This is the little girl I pray for everyday that remembered me :)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Haitian Sensation

I love this place! I love that I have an amazing God! I love that He blessed me with this opportunity to go on an adventure of a life time while serving Him. My parents were able to be here with me this week which was a total blessing, it kinda felt like they were dropping me off at summer camp. What an amazing experience it was to be able to serve alongside them. On a sad note they left yesterday and it was just as hard as I thought it would be to say good buy to them. My mom, dad, and I all got a little misty :'( I know this is going to be an amazing experience so please pray that they will have a peace of mind while I'm here.

Okay so now a little bit about what I'v been up to...  My first time in Haiti I had the opportunity to go to a orphanage twice it's all girls and I was (like always) blessed beyond belief. I have a picture of a specific girl who from there on my computer desktop. I pray for her everyday. I was so excited to go back and as I walked into the orphanage she ran up to me and gave me the biggest bear hug! It was sooo precious! My God is such an AMAZING God!!!! Things like this that bless me unbelievably happen daily!

I have to get off but I will update ya'll tomorrow !!!!